Bible Study
All Souls Ladies Ministry is open to all women in the church. The Ladies Ministry oversees many services to the church and the community. The ladies in our ministry decorate the church’s buildings for the different seasons, plan outreach events that include bible studies, women’s retreats and fundraisers. Ladies of the church also prepare the communion table monthly, and prepare and serve meals to the families of the bereaved. We meet regularly for food and fellowship and to plan all the many events we either organize or help with. These events include Trunk or Treat, Christmas celebrations, events surrounding Easter, and Scout Troop banquets, to name just a few. We would love to have you join our ministry.
Embracing Purpose – Ladies Bible Study
Every Wednesday starting August 1st through October 3rd from 6 pm to 8 pm. It’s about finding, loving and living your God-given purpose. Join us and discover the answers to two key questions. Who am I? and What am I to do with the time, talents and treasures God has given me.
To find out more information, please fill out the contact form below.
Men’s Bible Study meets every Wednesday night at 6:00 pm. All men are invited to attend. We must know God’s word because God’s word reveals His will for us. We should study the inspired word of God because the Holy Spirit cannot remind us of something that we have not learned!